OSU Beaver Store

OSU Beaver Store Student Director Application


About the Beaver Store...

The OSU Beaver Store is a student and faculty governed non-profit corporation that has been serving our campus community since 1914. Students direct the organization through service on its Board of Directors, and comprise six of the ten Director positions, along with three OSU faculty/staff members and the corporation's CEO.

About service on the Board of Directors...

Student Directors are responsible for ensuring that the business is well managed, financially healthy, and fulfilling the corporation's nonprofit mission. Board meetings are held monthly, October through May, and the time commitment is about two hours per month. Applicants must be attending class full time on the Corvallis OSU campus and have the ability to attend early evening meetings.

What would I be committing to?

  • Attending meetings during your two-year term (you must have two full years left at OSU to apply)
  • Learning about the operational and financial aspects of a large university retailer.
  • Making decisions in the best interests of the corporation.

How are Student Directors selected?

Applications will be reviewed by the corporation's Board of Directors, and individuals selected for candidacy will participate in a student election for the open positions on April 16 & 17. The two-year term of service begins in May. Applications are due by April 2nd at 5pm. Email your current resume and a high-resolution headshot for marketing purposes to Steve@osubeaverstore.com and then submit the application below.

Local Address:
City and Zip Code:
Cell Phone:
Accum GPA:
I understand that I must have two years remaining in my degree program at OSU to apply.
I emailed my resume and headshot.
1) The mission of the OSU Beaver Store is to operate nonprofit university stores to benefit the students, faculty, and staff of OSU. What qualifications, experience, and/or training do you have to offer as a prospective Board member that could contribute to the success of that mission?
(Your responses, or portions thereof, may appear in a Voters Guide advertisement)
2) Why are you interested in serving as a Board member of a nonprofit corporation?
3) How does the OSU Beaver Store benefit you and your fellow students?
4) Do you have any affiliations or interests that could present a conflict of interest, or would prevent you from acting solely in the best interests of OSU Beaver Store while serving on the Board?
5) Do you have any plans for internships or study abroad, etc. that would interrupt your normal coursework in Corvallis over the next two years?